Last Updated:
15/02/2025 - 20:21
YEAR DEGREE AUTHOR                     TITLE


2024 Ph.D. O. ESKANDARNEZHAD Deconstructivism and Deconstruction: A Critical Re-Evaluation of Derrida Through Heidegger with Regard to Architecture Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2024 Ph.D. M. SHAHRI The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: An Inquiry on Changing Narratives Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2024 Ph.D. F. KIMYA Space and Place in Dr. M. Mansour Falamaki's Architectural Thinking Through Hafiz's Poetry and Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2024 Ph.D. O.K. İŞERİ Occupancy Modeling Using Population Statistics and Machine Learning in the Residential Built Environment Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2024 Ph.D. İ. HAFIZ Towards an Aesthetic Discourse of Computational Design: Re-Contextualizing the Sublime Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2024 Ph.D. N. BÖLÜKBAŞ BARAN Construction of a System of Meaning In-Between Modernity and (Mass) Housing: TOKİ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Ela ARAL
2024 Ph.D. B. KARAKAŞ Spatial Construction of Collective Memory Through Celebrations: Anniversaries of İzmir's Liberation Day Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2024 Ph.D. H.N. ÖZKAN ÖZTÜRK Topography as a Performative Entity: Transformation of Karakuşunlar, Ankara Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Ela ARAL
2024 Ph.D. N. AKDEDE A 3D Layout Generation Model for Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Temporary Housing Settlements Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2024 Ph.D. N.S. PARLAK Reading the Ordinary Architectures of the City: A Genealogy of Typomorphology Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2024 Ph.D. M. ATICI Cooperative Organization and Participatory Design Experiments for Housing Settlements in Turkey from Mid-1960s to Mid-1980s Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2024 Ph.D. U. YEĞENOĞLU SEZGEN Urban Transformation as an Alternative Urban Sustainability: Rethinking Urban Development in Istanbul After 2000 Prof. Dr. Abdi Celal GÜZER
2024 Ph.D. B. TANVERDİ Accumulating Architectural Knowledge Through Practice-Based Engagement: Experiential Learning Modules Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2024 Ph.D. E. ÖZTEK Housing the Reciprocal and Transformative Nature of Theatre: Disclosing Avant-Garde Theatre's Unbounded Architectures with Hayalhane, Play and Fusion of Horizons Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2024 Ph.D. Ö. ALTUN GUPTA Non-Dualist Tectonic Thinking: Twin-Phenomena in Aldo Van Eyck's Architecture Prof. Dr.  Aydan BALAMİR
2024 Ph.D. S.C. KIZIL Architecture as Territory: Politico-Aesthetic Constructions and Representations of Space-Time Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2023 Ph.D. A. ALANLI An Onto-Epistemological Inquiry into the University Space Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2024 Ph.D. E. ÖZYETİŞ Architectural Profanations: Frederick Kiesler and Correalism Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2023 Ph.D. M. SEVER The Transformative Role of Play in/for Public Spaces Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Ela ARAL
2023 Ph.D. E. YOLTAY A Critical Reading of Contemporary Architectural Literature on Form and Function: The Object of Desire in Analyzing Conceptual, Discursive, and Contextual Shifts Since the 1960s Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN 
2023 Ph.D. B. ATEŞ A Critical Inquiry into Migration Through Bodies: Van as a Superdiverse City Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Ela ARAL
2023 Ph.D. B. ERDAL Reconceptualizing Archetype: A Critical Reading of People's Libraries in the Context of Turkey's Modernization(s) Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN 
2023 Ph.D. E. COŞKUN In Pursuit of a Lost Architectural Artefact: Tracing Photography Studios of the Nineteenth Century Prof. Dr. İNCİ BASA
2023 Ph.D. M.M. CİN A Critical Inquiry on the Mode of Production of Informal Fabric and Their Reflections on Built Environments: A Romani Community at İzmir Ege Neighbourhood Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2022 Ph.D. D.H. BEZAZOĞLU Resetting Medium: Proactive Practices of Women in Architecture in the 21st Century Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2022 Ph.D. M.P. UZ BAKİ A Technopoietic Investigation: Techné as a Discursive Formation in Architecture Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2023 Ph.D. E.B. KIZILCAN Custom Senses of Order in Architectural Design: Formal and Intuitive Modes of Visual Reasoning Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2024 M.Arch. D. YARAŞ ER Mining Landscapes: Tracing the Socio-Spatial Transformations in Rural Terrains – Ovacık, Türkiye Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER 
2024 M.Arch.  C. SİCİMLİ Spatial Dynamics of Moving Images: Expanded Cinema in Türkiye Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2024 M.Arch.  M. H. DANIYAL Social Cohesion, Vitality and Activity: An Inclusive Urban Design Approach for Open Public Spaces Around Islamabad's Streams Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2024 M.Arch. E. ERPEK Unfolding the Oblique Architectures Trajectory from 1963 to the Present Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin Kömez Dağlıoğlu
2024 M.Arch. H. ÖZKAN An Inquiry Into Visual Representation in Urban Design: Taksim Square Urban Design Competitions in 1987 and 2020 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin Kömez Dağlıoğlu
2024 M.Arch. Y. KANTAŞ Design for PV-Integrated Smart Urban Furnitures Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2024 M.Arch D. GÜNEY Façade to Fork: Integration of Urban Farming and Solar Energy Systems in Architecture  Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2024 M.Arch.  S. B. EROL Inclusivity of Art Centers: A Critical Inquiry on CerModern, Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2024 M.Arch. E. DELİCE Towards a Resilient Built Environment: Energy Positivity Through Energy Flexibility and Generation  Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2024 M.Arch. B. AŞÇI Pleasure in Architecture Revisited: From the 1960s to Contemporary Perspectives Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2024 M.Arch. M. N. YAWER Post-Anthropocentric Landscapes: Unoccupied Military Lands in Ankara  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER
2024 M.Arch. E. KARABAY "Sketch Problem" in MSFAU, ITU, and METU: Short-Term Design Exercises in Architecture Schools in Türkiye  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2024 M.Arch. O. KAFEJA Unveiling the Romantic and Phenomenological Essence: An Aesthetic Evaluation of Mir's Architectural Visualizations Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2024 M.Arch. Ş. GÖKKILIÇ Architectural Model Between Physical and Digital: The Case Study of the ACC Presidential Symphony of Orchestra Concert Hall in Ankara  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU
2024 M.Arch. A. F. ARDIÇ Revisiting Gecekondu: Between Habitat and Habiting; Learning from Informal Architecture and Its Subject Since the 1960s Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2024 M.Arch. S. ŞANLI  Mega-Projects in Production of Nature in Türkiye: Socio-Natural Metabolism of İşkencedere Valley Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 M.Arch. B. ÇEVİK TOPRAK The Interactive Relationship Between Performance Art and Space: New Generation Museum Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2023 M.Arch. G. D. ATAY A Repertoire for Examining Potential of Hybridity in Urban Development Areas Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL
2023 M.Arch. E. GÖREN Cohabitation as a Project for Post-Anthropocenic Architecture: Strategizing for an Urban Symbiosis Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER
2023 M.Arch. S. TÜRE Hereness and Thereness: Mapping the Visual Experience of the Urban Landscape in the Case of Ankara Historic Center  Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2023 M.Arch. M. AMOUEI Investigating the Potential of Game Engines in Space Evaluation Regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Exploration of Technology in Design   Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2023 M.Arch. A. ÜLKE From Hippodrome to Millet Bahçesi: A Sociospatial History of Public Sphere in Ankara, 1930-2021 Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 M.Arch. S. FAROOQ A Critical Reading of Urban Space: The Role of Military Institute in Socio-Spatial Organization of Postcolonial Rawalpindi, Pakistan  Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 M.Arch. K. DÖKMECİ Investigation of Daylight in University Campus Buildings: İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University and Mersin University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2023 M.Arch. H. KIZIL  Local Authorities' Approach Towards Architectural Competitions on the Basis of Public Participation: The Case of 100. Yıl Office Block, Ankara  Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2023 M.Arch. E. G. KÖSE Critical Analysis of Sustainability Goals in the Design-Guide Schemes of the Leed Certification in Relation to Biomimicry as a Regenerative Design Approach in Architecture Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2023 M.Arch. E. C. URAL Creative Thinking and ‘Learning Spaces’: Prototypes in Primary School Design in Turkey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2023 M.Arch. S. TÜRE Hereness and Thereness: Mapping the Visual Experience of the Urban Landscape in the Case of Ankara Historic Center Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2023 M.Arch. S. ŞANLI Mega-projects in Production of Nature in Türkiye: Socio-natural Metabolism of İşkencedere Valley  Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 Ph.D. H. SEVER The Transformative Role of Play in/for Public Spaces Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL
2023 M.Arch. H. KIZIL Local Authorities’ Approach towards Architectural Competitions on the Basis of Public Participation: The Case of 100. Yil Office Block, Ankara  Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2023 M.Arch. E. GÖREN Cohabitation as a Project for Post-anthropocenic Architecture: Strategizing for an Urban Symbiosis Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER
2023 M.Arch. Ş. GÖKKILIÇ Architectural Model between Physical and Digital: The Case Study of the ACC Presidential Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall in Ankara Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU
2023 M.Arch. K. DÖKMECİ Investigation of Daylight in University Campus Buildings: İhsan Doğramaci Bilkent University and Mersin University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk ZELEF
2023 Ph.D. E. COŞKUN In Pursuit of a Lost Architectural Artefact: Tracing Photography Studios of the Nineteenth Century Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2023 M.Arch. B. ÇEVİK TOPRAK The Interactive Relationship between Performance Art and Space: New Generation Museum Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2023 M.Arch. Ç. ÇALIK Measurement and Assessment Practices in Design Studio: A Case from METU Department of Architecture Basic Design Studio Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU
2023 M.Arch. H. BİNGÖL Disposition to Rupture: Resilience Thinking as a Coping Mechanism in the Face of Uncertainty Occurring in the Urban Space Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER
2023 M.Arch. Y. M. YÜREKLİ Mapping Modern Campuses: “An Imaginative Projection Backward in Time”  Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2023 Ph.D. E. YOLTAY A Critical Reading of Contemporary Architectural Literature on Form and Function: The Object of Desire in Analyzing Conceptual, Discursive and Contextual Shifts since the 1960s Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 M.Arch. G. YAZICIOĞLU Computational Investigation of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Scenarios in Educational Buildings  Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2023 M.Arch. Ü. N. ULU Analyzing Thermal Comfort of Transitional Spaces through Climate-responsive Design Solutions  Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2023 M.Arch. A. ÜLKE From Hippodrome to Millet Bahçesi: A Sociospatial History of Public Sphere in Ankara, 1930-2021 Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 M.Arch. F. S. ÜĞÜTMEN Climate Change Impact on a 3D Printed Concrete Building  Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2023 M.Arch. E. E. PALA A Critical Analysis of High-Rise Housing Blocks: The Case of South-Western Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2023 M.Arch. E. G. KÖSE BATUHAN Critical Analysis of Sustainability Goals in the Design-guide Schemes of the LEED Certification in Relation to Biomimicry as a Regenerative Design Approach in Architecture Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2023 M.Arch. H. KORKUT Enhancement of Socialization in Urban Public Space through Digital Media  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL
2023 Ph.D. E. B. KIZILCAN Custom Senses of Order in Architectural Design: Formal and Intuitive Modes of Visual Reasoning Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN

2023 M.Arch. S. FAROOQ A Critical Reading of Urban Space: The Role of Military Institute in Socio-spatial Organization of Postcolonial Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 Ph.D. B. ERDAL Reconceptualizing 'Archetype': A Critical Reading of 'People's Libraries' in the Context of Turkey's Modernization(s)
Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 Ph.D. M. M. CİN A Critical Inquiry on the Mode of Production of Informal Fabric and their Reflections on Built Environments: A Romani Community at İzmir Ege Neighbourhood  Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2023 M.Arch. G. D. ATAY A Repertoire for Examining Potential of Hybridity in Urban Development Areas Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL
2023 M.Arch. S. ASADMOSAFFAR “Creative Destruction” as a Political Apparatus in Tabriz’s Urban Revitalization Programs: Shahid Beheshti Square since the 1990s  Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN



Investigating the Potential of Game Engines in Space Evaluation Regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (asd): An Exploration of Technology in Design

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ



Evaluating the Potentials of Neglected Urban Spaces in Historical City Centres to Acquire a Sense of Place: The İskitler Small Industry Area in Ankara 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL



Towards an Inclusive Theory of Participation in Architecture and Urbanism

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. F. F. AKIN

Appropriation as an Urban Practice: A Critical Reading of Don Quixote Social Center of İstanbul, in 2013 and Since Then

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN


M.Arch. A. AKAY

Understanding the Concept of Space in Cinema: Re-reading Stanley Kubrick Exhibitions

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER



The Change of University Students' Place Attachment in Public Spaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the Middle East Technical University Campus

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL


M.Arch. B. ÜNSAL

An ‘Archeological’ Game to Investigate the Anatomy of a Space of Resistance: METU Landscape as a Case Study

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL



From Relationlessness to Relatedness: Alienation and the In-between Realm Revisited

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL


M.Arch. B. SARI

Gender, Domesticity and House in Turkey: Context and State of Research 

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR



Co-living Experiments Revisited, with Two Case Studies from the Netherlands: Organization, Community, and Design Dimensions in Co-housing

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR


M.Arch. A. ÖZEN

Decoding City Squares with Big Data: A Method for Urban Analytics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO



Nature-based Design for Water-sensitive Cities: A Street-scale Computational Approach

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


M.Arch. A. DURAN

A Data-driven Approach for Predicting Solar Energy Potential of Buildings in Urban Fabric

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


M. Arch. İ.B. ÇAKIR

Global Sensitivity Analysis for Urban Heat Island Effect: A Case Study in a Residential Neighbourhood in Ankara, Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


M. Arch. İ. CANLI

Urban Scale Prediction of Indoor Daylighting Illumination for Sustainable Buildings

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO



Understanding Transformations in Architecture from Post-industrial Condition to the Second Digital Turn

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


M. Arch. N. AFZAL

The New Publicness and Urban Citizenship in Post Industrial Islamabad, Pakistan

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN



Towards More Inclusive Engagements: Mapping the Experiential Realities of Inclusivity in Architectural Education

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ


Ph.D. Ö.F. ALP

A Quest for Knowledge Synchronization between Evidence and Specification Knowledge Bases of Health Care Buildings Design Field: An Ontology-based Approach in Turkish Context

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ


M. Arch. A. ALAN

Architectural Experience and “Existential Sense”: Analysis of Some Architectural Patterns in Eminönü with their Sociocultural Context

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ



From the State of Degeneration to Regeneration: Improving Health and Wellbeing within Architectural Implementations

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ



An Inquiry Into the Necessity of Participation of People with Disabilities in Architecture

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ



Other Modes of Abstraction: Curating Architectural Elements of the METU Campus 

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. A.S. ÖZSOY

METU Campus Gate A1: An Architectural Detail

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. S. RRAJA

Gated Landscapes METU Forest and The Formation of a Topological Ground

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 



Topological Ground: Land Form and Built Form

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


Ph.D. Ö.S. DURAN Re-understanding Multidisciplinary Building Design Processes Towards the Concept of Sustainability a  Multi-Layered Design Approach Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


Ph.D. M.P. UZ BAKİ A Technopoietic Investigation: Techne as a Discursive Formation in Architecture Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. L. TUNÇBİLEK Producing Urban Space after Urban Transformation: The Case of Çukurambar, Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. S. TANRIDAĞ Truth as a Discursive Object in Architecture: Communication through Aesthetics in the Post-truth Era Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. Ö. SÜVARİ Nature, Culture, City Dialectic in the Anthropocene: Reading the Transformation of the Southeast Periphery of Ankara  Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. A. ONARAN State-led Rural Transformation: The Case of Yukarıköy Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. R. AYDIN City Life and Architecture in Transitions: Yalova at the Threshold Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. İ. ÇETİNKAYA Revitalization of a Commercial Street in the Center of Samsun: A Study on İstiklal (Çiftlik) Street from Users’ Perspective Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. D. ÇAYIR An Investigation on the Social Sustainability of a Neighbourhood Unit: Eryaman Stage III in Ankara  Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. S. TÜRKKUL A Habitable Domestic Space: Lucien Kroll and his Participatory Methods Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch.  M. ERDİNÇ In Relation: Re-assessing Responsiveness through Human-machine Interaction Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN


Ph.D. E. TEMİZEL Reclaiming Machine Intelligence: The Paskian School of Architectural Cybernetics  Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN


M.Arch N. KARAKÖY Speculations on the City in Architectural Drawings: Dogma as a Contemporary Critique Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. B. ŞİMŞEK Mapping of the site-related concepts in architecture: a study on the Mimarlik Journal (1990-2020) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. E.E. ÖZTÜRK Making the Modern City Visible: A Study on Montage, Collage and Photomontage Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. G. GÖRGÜN GÖKSU The Effects of Performance-based Design Tools on Design Thinking Process  Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


Ph.D. D.H. BEZAZOĞLU Resetting Medium: Proactive Practices of Women in Architecture in the 21st Century Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


Ph.D. G. EŞİNGEN KINAYOĞLU The Architectural Cogitatio: A Phenomenological Critical Realist Contact for the Ethico-political Prognosis of the 21st Century Architecture Theory Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


20M.Arch. M.İ. EROL AĞIRSOY An Investigation into Building Occupant Behavior of Different Household Typologies in Architecture Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


M.Arch. D.N. ERKOÇ Cognitive Curation: The METU Campus as a Display Object Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ SARGIN


M.Arch. Ö. DÜLGEROĞLU Discursive and Spatial Anatomy of Alternative Living Models: Architectural Utopias within Housing Discourse  Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


Ph.D. B. DÖNMEZ A Body-oriented Narrative: Antakya as a Phenomenological Inquiry Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M. Arch. B. ÇAKMAK Extending Design Cognition with Computer Vision and Generative Deep Learning Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN


M. Arch. K. COŞKUNER Abstract and Spatial Projections of Criticism: Analysis of Sıhhiye Ankara as a Tolerance Space Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M. Arch. Ö.F. AĞIRSOY  Intelligent Infrastructures: Anatomy of the METU Campus  Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ SARGIN


Ph.D. Z. ACAR A Reconceptualization of the Production of Knowledge in Architecture through Research Laboratories Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch.  E. EROL An Inquiry Into Children's Sense of Place in City Neighbourhoods: The Case of Ankara Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. E.B. YEMİŞÇİ Ecologically Motivated Alternative Practices: Case Studies from Turkey  Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


Ph.D. S. ERİŞEN Creative Evolution in Architecture: A Critical Inquiry into New Relations of Objectile- Subjectile and Intelligent Spaces Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN


M.Arch. İ. S. BÜYÜKKOÇAK Guerilla Art as a Commoning Practice: A Socio-Spatial Tale of Bina, Ankara Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN


M.Arch. A. ÇERŞİL Social Sustainability and Co-Housing: A Reading Over Sedad Hakkı Eldem's Studies on Traditional Turkish House Typologies Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ


M.Arch. H. K. ATA ARSLAN Reconstruction of Collective Memory and Memory of Place: From Hergelen Square to Melike Hatun Mosque Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. U. COŞKUNER Urban Form, Public Life and Urbanity: A Study on Sakarya Pedestrian Area in Ankara Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. G. KATMER KOÇKAR Reconstructing the Memory of the City Through In-Situ Material Traces: Ancient Agora, Kemeraltı Bazaar and Konak Square in İzmir Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. C. URAZ Refunctioning Proposals of Airports and Aviation Buildings From the Perspective of Industrial Heritage: Case of İstanbul Atatürk Airport Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF


M.Arch. M. DEMİRÖZ Mapping Non-Places Through User-Generated Data: The Case of Ankara Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL


M.Arch. I. ŞENSES A Rupture in Urban Memory: Vacant Healthcare Sites in the Center of Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. B. ÖZDEMİR Towards a New Understanding of Nature: Material Ecology in Architecture Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


Ph.D. C. KORKMAZ Culture of Architecture: An Inquiry into Fragments of Perception, Conception, and Reason Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. N.E. ÖZEN Elementary Architectural Formations and the METU Campus Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. M. ERDEM Film as a Medium for Unfolding the Relationship between Architecture and City Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


M.Arch. H. POLAT Understanding the Concept of Locality in Architecture in the 21st Century: Mapping the Contemporary Architecture in Turkey Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


M.Arch. S. DİNGİL The Sources and Limits of Authenticity in Contemporary Architecture Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


M.Arch. E. KÜRELİ GÜLPINAR Urban-spatial Analysis of Mass Housing Environments: Mapping Batıkent in Search of Alternatives to Generic Housing Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR


M.Arch. N.E. ÖZEN Elementary Architectural Formations and the METU Campus Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


Ph. D. G. M. ABAS An Integrated Computational Framework for Natural Ventilation and Airbone Contaminant Dispersion Analysis in Architectural Design Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


M.Arch. S.İ. ARDIÇ Computational Urban Analytics for Walkability: Çankaya, Ankara Case Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO


M.Arch. İ. GÜLER An Inquiry on the Architectural of Production: From Mills to Machine Landscapes  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. U. B. ŞAHİN An Inquiry on Absolute Architecture: The Case Study of Arter in İstanbul Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. R. ERGÜL Reclamation of Waterways in Urban Context: A Study on Ankara Stream and Etiler Neighborhood Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. C. TÜRK Making of the City: Uncovering the Plan Game Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. P. KÖROĞLU Designing the Commons: An Inquiry on Case del Quartiere in Turin, Italy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU



Temporary Use in Urban Context as A Tool to Enhance Public Spaces

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL



Re-Mapping Contemporary Architecture in Turkey Based On The Relationship Between Urbanisation And Architecture: Eskişehir Road Development in Ankara

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


M.Arch S. NEVRİM Design Evolution of Healthcare Buildings: City Hospitals as A New Building Typology in Turkey Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER


M.Arch. Ş. SEZGİNALP Station Buildings in the History of Turkish Railways: Catalogue of Buildings Constructed between 1850s-1950s Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR


M.Arch. M. DURMAZ Flexible Housing in the 21st Century: Three contemporary Case Studies Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR


M.Arch. C. ÖNERTÜRK Exhibition-scapes From Mise-en-scéne to Mise-en-cadre Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. Z.E. ŞAHİN Displaying the Body: Anatomy Museum and Anatomical Expressions in Architecture Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch A. ALİCANOĞLU Spatial and Social Changes of Urban Parks on Atatürk Boulevard, Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. E.G. ÖZMEN Staging Architecture as Illusion: From Mirror to Digital Heterotopia Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


Ph.D. E. SERT Urban Metabolism of İstanbul: Waterfronts as MEtabolized Socio-Natures Between 1839 and 2019 Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN


Ph.D. G. AYKAÇ Diverse Landscapes, Diverse Works: Reframing the Urban Transformation of Çinçin through Muhtars, houseworkers, the usta, and the kabadayı Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN


Ph.D. T. EKEN Rethinking Gentrification in İstanbul through Planetary Urbanization Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN


M.Arch. Ş. AKIN Immersive Design Environments for Ferformative Architectural Design: A BIM-Based Approach Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO


M.Arch. A.T. KOUZEHKANANI From Private Gardens to Public Parts and back again; The Transformation of Green Spaces of Tabriz in the Twentieth Century Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF


M.Arch. G. KURPINAR Spaces of an Escapist Utopia: An Inquiry into the Yeşil Yurt Dream of Servet-i Fünun Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF


M.Arch. B.Ç. BİLİCİ Architectural Model Photography: A Tool in Architectural Culture Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF


M.Arch. E.C. KEPENEK Sivas Railway District as Industrial Heritage and Its Potential in the Regeneration of the City Center Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. H.Ö. İDALİ ÖZDEN Stream Daylighting: An Operative Landscape Infrastructure for Ankara Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER


M.Arch. H. JABBARIOUN  Re-thinking Biophilic Design Patterns in Preschool Environments for Children Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ


M.Arch. S. AMINOLESLAMI OSKOUEI The Role of Urban Agriculture in Enhancing Public Space: an Evaluation of Types Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL


M.Arch. N. EVİRGEN Mapping the Spatial Ideologies: the Case of Hekimhan Mining Settlement, Malatya Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela ALANYALI ARAL


M.Arch. C. ÇEŞMELİ Interplay Between Architecture and Landscape Through Tadao Ando's Architecture Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER


M.Arch. X. GAILLARD The Museumification of Prisons in Tehran and Sulaymaniyah: Power, Collective Memory and Hegemony Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KÖMEZ DAĞLIOĞLU


M.Arch. Z. SOYSAL Urbanity Reshaped: From an Urban Design Competition to the Making of a High-rise Central Business District at Bayraklı, in İzmir Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. İ. BERK Approaching a Squatter Settlement as a "Place": A Study on Mollafenari and İvazpaşa Neighbourhoods in Bursa Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. S.Ç. CESUR TÜRKMEN Changing Urban Environment and Lifestyles: A Study on Housing Enclaves in Bursa Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. M. OKKALI The Residential Neighbourhood as a Spatial Habitus: The Lived Space of Yenimahalle, Ankara Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. N. PİŞKİN Cultural Differences in the Use of Public Spaces: A Case Study on Coastal Park in Mersin Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch.  G. ÇALIKOĞLU A Study on Urban Political Discourses: Entrepremeurial Urbanism and Opposition in the Case of Basmane Çukuru in İzmir Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. N.B. BİÇER An Exploration of Urban Soundscape in Ulus, Ankara Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL


M.Arch. H. BAKKALOĞLU Limits of Architecture in the Context of Generic City: Ankara, Söğütözü District Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF


Ph.D. B.B. KAPUSUZ Venice Biennale: Ambiente as a Spatial Praxis Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. F. S. İNAN In-between Space: The METU Faculty of Architecture Building Complex Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. B. ERYILMAZ Architecture as a Discursive Discipline: Inflatable Spaces of Radical Avant-gardes Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. E. ÖZKAN Image Manipulation: A Post-Orthographic Design Medium Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. S. SARICA Relief-spaces: Trans-positions in Display Environments Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


B. DEREBAŞI Façade-wall: An Architecture of Knowledge Representation Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


Ph.D. G.Z. TUNÇBİLEK A Spatial Encyclopedia: The Architecture of Paul Otlet's Archive Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. A. ALP "Tangent" Architecture: YKKS Building Reconstructed Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. M. KÖSE Paradoxes of Exhibitinf Architecture Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. S. MERT Environmental Psychology Discourse in Architecture: Current Status in Turkish Architecture Education Prof. Dr. İnci BASA


M.Arch. Y.G. FİLLİK Paratextual Architecture of Architecture Theory Since 1968 Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 


M.Arch. E. ÜNVER Investigation of the Neighborhood Unit in the Western Fringe of Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2019 M.Arch. M. SEZEN Environmental Psychology Discourse in Architecture: Current Status in Turkish Architecture Education Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2019 M.Arch. N. VANLIOĞLU Gender Discourse and Public Space: Socio-spatial Construction of Gender in the City, the Case of Rize, Turkey Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2019 M.Arch. O.L. YALMAN Ideology of Sustainable architecture: A Critique Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2019 M.Arch S. ERTAN Collaborative Working Spaces: Project Ecologies and Means of Interaction and Collaboration Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. G. AKKÖSE Architectural Desing for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in Existing Buildings Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. E. YEĞEN An Inquiry of Space Architecture: Design Considerations and Design Process Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. S. ÖZCİVANOĞLU Map-Making as a Walking-Based Spatial Practice in Architecture Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. C. ARIKBOĞA Bunker-scape: Defense Architecture in Gallipoli Peninsula Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. H.C. CİNDİOĞLU The Influence of Emergent Mixed-Reality Technologies on Design Thinking Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. A.N. ÇALIKUŞU Sustainability In Architectural Education: The Impact Of Education On Perceptions Of Sustainability Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL DİNO
2019 M.Arch. S. YILMAZ Free Form Architecture And Interior Space: A Critical Analytical Approach Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Archç Ö. ACICAN Computational Design Learning: The Smartgeometry Case Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. B. EKİNCİ An Exploratory Data Analysis on Architectural Research Agenda Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2019 M.Arch. H.E. TÜRKYILMAZ BİLGİÇ Understanding of the Transformative Power of Consumption on Architecture and City: Two Phases of Atakule Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2018 M.Arch. N. ÖZKAM Sketch as the Agent of the Creative Genius Paradigm Death of Drawing Discussions in the Framework of the New Digital Sketching Technologies Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF
2018 M.Arch. İ. KARNAK Architecture of the Single Room Movies Tectonic, Scenographic and Hybrid Spaces Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF
2018 M.Arch. A. RAD Structural and ideological transformation of public space: The case of Tabriz Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2018 M.Arch. İ. ÇÖREK Aesthetic Paradigm and the Pure/Poetic/Bold Materiality of Industrial Heritage Buildings: The Case of Zonguldak Coal Washery Area Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2018 M.Arch. G.S. EYÜBOĞLU Theme Park As A Aocio-cultural and Architectural Program: A Critical Review of Ankapark, Ankara Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2018 M.Arch. Y. DEHGHAN A Visual Analysis Of Libeskind's Architecture: Description Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2018 M.Arch. E. BEKAR The Design Of New Buildings In Historical Urban Context: Formal Interpretation As A Way of Transforming Architectural Elements Of The Past Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2018 M.Arch. N. FROUGHISAEID Students' Perception of Safety In the Physical Environment of A University Campus: A Case Study on Middle East Technical University Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2018 Ph.D. M. GOLABI

Changing Discourses On Visibility And Invisibility In Iranian Domestic Architecture: A Case Study In Vali-Asr District In Tabriz (1980-2000)

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2018 M.Arch. M. ÇETİNER

An Inquiry into the Accessibility of Archaeological Sites for People with Physical Disabilities

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2018 M.Arch. E. ÖZTEK

Designing Vitalness At The Crossroad Of Architecture And Theatre: Architectural Design In The Light Of Stanislavskian Acting

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2018 Ph.D. D. TÜNTAŞ

An Agentic Account Of Design Intentionality In Computational Architecture

Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2018 Ph.D. C. ALBAYRAK

Framework for An Architectural Knowledge Ecosystem Through The Distribution Of Authorship

Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN

Socio-Spatial Disparities: The Production of Marginality Within Urban Space Of Tehran (1963-1979)

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2018 Ph.D. M. AHMED

Encapsulating the Loci via Hybrid Modernity: The Political Syntax of Post-colonial Capitals, Islamabad and Chandigarh

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2018 M.Arch. D. KUMARASLAN

Conceptualization Of Earth As The Monocenter Of The Urban: A New Orientation For Architectural Utopia Of Reterritorialized Refugees

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2018 Ph.D. R.Ç. ÇAVDAR 

Ideology, Subject, Architecture: The Transformation of Architectural Theory and The Architect-Subject In The 21st Century

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2018 M.Arch. M.Z. AKAY

A Scrupulous and Silent Rationalist: The Architect Ayhan Tayman

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2018 M.Arch. N. JAHED

Performance-Based Facades: Retrofit Strategies For Energy Efficiency And Comfort In Existing Office Buildings

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2018 M.Arch. C. ATAMAN Performative Design Thinking in Architectural Practice Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2017 M.Arch. D.H. SİMSER Unfolding and Reframing Heterotopia Within The Context Of Peripheral Consumption Spaces Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2017 M.Arch. N.B. AYDIN

A Survey On Plan Typologies In Apartment Blocks: The Case Of Necatibey Neighbourhood, Ankara (1920s1960s)

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2017 M.Arch. İ. HAFIZ

(Re)Production of Space Through Representations: The City Centre Of Canakkale

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2017 M.Arch. D. KESİCİ

A Contemporary Approach To Memorial Design In The Light Of Collective Memory Theory: Guidelines For Ankara Train Station Square

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2017 M.Arch. E. IMANI

Historical and Geometrical Analysis Of Muqarnas And Prospect Of Its Reflection On Today's Architecture

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2017 M.Arch. S.C. KIZIL

An Ontological Inquiry On Potentials Of Criticality And Conceptualization Of Program In Architecture

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2017 M.Arch. G. DEMİROK

Architecture, Revolution and Temporality: The Soviet Avant-Garde And The Politics Of Modernism

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2017 Ph.D. Y. ACAR

Atlas of Urban Design: Textual Analysis And Mapping Of Production Of Knowledge In Turkish Context

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2017 M.Arch. Ö. ÖZALP

The Transformation of Gecekondu Phenomenon Via Visual And Spatial Narratives

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2017 M.Arch. N. BÖLÜKBAŞ

Re-reading of the Pruitt-Igoe Housing Project (St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.) in the Context of Modernism

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2017 M.Arch. G. DUYUL

New Babylon: Discrepancies of Utopia And Possibility Of Situationist Architectures

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2017 M.Arch. D.D. KARA

Tracing Repetition In The Architectural Plans Of Enric Miralles

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2017 Ph.D. S. TÜRKAY

Part and Whole: A Mereological Framework For Architectural Form

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2017 M.Arch. D. TEKİN

Virtual Museums: A New Space For Architectural Documentation And Display

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2017 M.Arch. M. FOOLADY

A Computational Method For The Design Exploration And Optimization Of Daylighting Performance Of Museum Buildings

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2017 M.Arch. A. SAKARYALI

An Interactive Computational Approach to 3D Layout Design Of Single-Family Houses By Evolutionary Algorithms

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO

Intervening with Landscape: A Tool for Urban Conservation the case of Yahşibey, Bursa

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER
2016 M.Arch. S. SARSHAR

Power And National Identity In the Formation Of Islamabad and Its Capitol Complex

Prof. Dr. İnci BASA
2016 M.Arch. G. GÜLER

An Alternative Housing Experiment Bythe Housing Administration of Turkey: Ankara, Eryaman Stage Iii

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2016 M.Arch. T. ÖZER

A 'Plural' Architectural Experience Through 'Movement', 'Sensation', And 'Memory' In 'Time'

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2016 M.Arch. M. SAFARKHANI

Balconies Consigned to Oblivion In Iranian Residential Buildings The Case Of Tehran, Iran

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2016 M.Arch. B. DENİZ

The Significance of Materials Within The Context Of Architectural Design

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2016 M.Arch. E. YOLTAY

Queer Space As An Alternative To The Counter-Spaces In Ankara

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2016 M.Arch. A. ARSALAN

Bordering Practice and Territoriality: Examining Islamabad And New Delhi

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2016 Ph.D. H. ÖZGÜL

Autonomy of Architecture: Analysis Of Transformation of Bodrum Built Environment Via Design Codes

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2016 M.Arch. M.P. UZ

Authenticity in House Museums: A Tool for The Reinterpretation Of Architectural Space

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2015 M.Arch. F. D. ARIKAN

Tracking Continuities Between The Modern And Vernacular Architecture: Courtyard In The West Mediterranean Architecture As A Case Study

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2015 M.Arch. M. SHAHRI

The Impacts Of State Policies On Social Housing And Urban Identity: The Case Of Maskan Mehr In Urmia

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR

A Comparative Study of Covered Shopping Spaces: Covered Bazaars, Arcades, Shopping Malls

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2015 M.Arch. A. YILMAZ

Changing Publicness of Urban Parks through Time the Case of Güvenpark, Ankara


Metaphorical Expressions In Architecture: Understanding Symbolic Meanings Of Qabus Tower In İran

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2015 M.Arch. M. EMERCE

Reconsideration Of Genius Loci: Re-Generative Design Approach In Environmentally Sensitive Architecture

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ

The Transformation Of Architectural Narrative From Literature To Cinema: Differences, Continuities And Limits Of Representation In Different Media

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2015 M.Arch. U. BAYKAN

Architectural Competitions And Post-Competition Problems In Turkey After 2000

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2015 M.Arch. E. SANCAR

Conflict and Mutual Continuity Between Locality And Modernism: Nordic Architecture As A Case Study

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2015 M.Arch. E.B. KIZILCAN

Complexity Management And Mutability In Architectural Form Conception: Form-Blindness And Softform

Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2015 M.Arch. E. YERGİN

Towards The Spectacle: On The Role of Imagery In Architectural Representation

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2015 M.Arch. G. AJAZİ

A Critical Evaluation Of The Urban Transformation In Çukurambar, Since The Late 1980s

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2015 M.Arch. E. UĞUR

Programming Mixed-Use Projects with Changing Urban Dynamics And User Profile

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2015 M.Arch. A. YILMAZ

Changing Publicness of Urban Parks Through Time The Case Of Güvenpark, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2015 M.Arch. B. ATEŞ

A Spatial Impromptu: Green Resistance by Guerrilla Gardening

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2015 M.Arch. P. YÜKSEL

Reconstruction of Collective Memory through Spatial Representations of İzmir Waterfront, Since the 1920s

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2015 M.Arch. B. KÖKEN

Drawing As A "Critical Act": Fiction And The Unconventional Architecture Of Lebbeus Woods

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2015 M.Arch. Z. ACAR

Forgetting Alanna Heiss: Foundations of Istanbul Modern Young Architects Program

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2015 M.Arch. M.C. DAİ

Processing Materiality Through Architectural Information

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2014 M.Arch. B. KIRBAŞ

Re-construction of Ghost Buildings: Taksim Artillery Barracks

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF
2014 M.Arch. H.Y. HÜROL

A Study on Social Sustainability: The Case of Doğanbey Urban Renewal Project in Bursa

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF
2014 M.Arch. G. ÖNAL

Aerial View and Its Role in Spatial Transformation: The Case of İstanbul

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Haluk ZELEF
2014 M.Arch. H.U. KARAKAYA

Commodification of “Place” under Late Capitalism through Transforming Architectural Practices

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2014 M.Arch. E. TEMİZEL

A New Ontological Approach To Urban Form: Towards A Model Of Heterarchy

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2014 M.Arch. H.U. KARAKAYA

Commodification Of Place Under Late Capitalism Through Transforming Architectural Practices

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. M. PAK

Revisiting Constantinos Doxiadis's Entopia As A Place Theory

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. E. KARAELMAS

Mosques Of Ankara: Objects Of Ideological Representation Since The 1950s

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. E. BALKANAY

Mapping Subjective Urban Imagery: Montage Of Movement-Image And Time-Image-The Case Of Kizilay

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. Ö.B. POLAT

The Critique Of Capitalist City, Avant-Gardism And Situationist International As An Alternative

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. B. ERDAL

Becoming Non- Blasé: Slowness Via Urbanization

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. P. YÜKSEL

Reconstruction Of Collective Memory Through Spatial Representations Of Izmir Waterfront, Since The 1920s

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. S. TÜRK

Modes Of Urbanization: Changing Paradigms In Architecture At Urban Scale

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2014 M.Arch. G.EŞİNGEN

Textual Readings Of Architecture: Orienting Semiosphere

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2014 M.Arch. M. ÖZMEN

Construction Of Physical And Dream Spaces Through Things/Objects In The Selected Works Of Georges Perec And Orhan Pamuk

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2014 M.Arch. A.B. YANAR

Izmir Reconstructed: Fire, Image, Language

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2014 M.Arch. D. KURTOĞLU

Baroque Tendencies In Contemporary Architecture

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2014 M.Arch. G.M. ABBAS

Visual Structures For Generative Design Search Spaces

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRSEL  DİNO
2014 M.Arch. T. TOHUMCU

The Integration of Tall Buildings with the Urban Environment: Considering the Key Sustainability Concepts

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda BAŞ BÜTÜNER
2014 M.Arch. A. MOLLA

Historical Continuity: Three Modernist Masters, Their Precedents And Descendants

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2013 M.Arch. S. YILDIRIM

Urban Parasites: Re-Appropriation Of Interstitial Spaces In Architecture Through The Act Of Graffiti

Prof. Dr. Aydan BALAMİR
2013 Ph.D. A. TOLGA

Architecture And Disaster: A Holistic And Risk-Based Building Inspection Professional Training Model For Practicing Architects In Turkey

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2013 M.Arch. G. ONGUN

An Interactive Computational Design Approach For Creating Architectural Topographies

Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2013 M.Arch. S. BİNBOĞ

Benjaminian Re-Reading Of The Urban Image At The Verge Of The 21st Century

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2013 Ph.D. E. SALAH

Sayfiye To Banlieue: Suburban Landscape Around Anatolian Railways, From Mid-Nineteenth Century To The World War II

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2013 M.Arch. S. ERİŞEN

Shopping Malls In Ankara As The New Non-Places Of The Generic Capital City

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2013 M.Arch. G.Z. TUNÇBİLEK

Temporary Architecture: The Serpentine Gallery Pavilions

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2013 M.Arch. M. AL

Praxis In Architecture: The Dialectical Relationship Between Thinking And Making

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 

Principles in Green Architecture: An Inquiry into the Evaluation Criteria of Green Awards

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2012 M.Arch. E. İŞBİLEN

From Bauhaus To IKEA: Integration Of Mass Production, Standardization, Modularization And Claim Of Universality With Capitalist Mode Of Production

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN

Change of Urban Image with Demands of Contemporary Tourism: the Case of Batumi

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2012 Ph.D. Duygu KOCA

Remapping Contemporary Housing Production in Turkey: A Case Study on Housing Patterns and Marketing Strategies

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2012 M.Arch. B.B. KAPUSUZ

Perspective For The Reproduction Of Architectural Space: ARCH524 As A Pretext

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2012 M.Arch. M. AKYOL

Photograph As An Architectural Document: A Visual Archive For METU Campus

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2011 M.Arch. S. ULUDAĞ

An Inquiry on Contemporary Parks and Design Strategies

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2011 M.Arch. D. KIAVAR

User Assessment in Public Spaces by Gender: A Survey on Seğmenler and Keçiören Parks in Ankara

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2011 Ph.D. B. UÇAR

An Inquiry into the Ontology of Responsiveness: Assessing Embodiment and Human-Machine Interaction in Responsive    Environments

Prof. Dr. Zeynep MENNAN
2011 M.Arch.         İ. SUDAŞ

        An Inquiry on Social Housing Program for Working-Class: Karl Marx Hof in Vienna

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2011 M.Arch.         N. RAASSI

        Rereading Urban Form in Tehran Since the 1920s in the Case of Valiasr Street 

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2011 M.Arch. İ. USLU

On Critique of Architectural Image:Reading Jean Baudrillard through Jean Nouvel

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2011  M.Arch.    R.Ç. ÇAVDAR Literary spaces as the representation of dominant ideologies in the context of dystopias written between 1920 and 1950               Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2011 M.Arch.   Z. SOLTANİ    

The Transformation of Public Space: City Squares as Locations for Power Struggle-The Case of Tehran (1934-2009)

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN 
2011 M.Arch.   E. SOYDEMİR

Modern Urban Utopias and the Case of Dubai

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN 
2011 M.Arch.   N. KOCAOĞLU

A Semperian Approach to Artificial Light as a Building Material

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2011 M.Arch.   B. ÖZDEN

        Transformation of Architectural Space with the Aid of Artistic Production

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2011 M.Arch.   S. TÜRKAY

        The Orthographic Set: Making Architecture Visible

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2011 M.Arch.   A. GÜNHAN

From Houses to House Museums: Architectural Representation of Different Narrations

Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ 
2010 M.Arch. S.Ö. ÖZAKAN

Appropriation and Allocation in the (RE) Production of Public Spaces: A Survey on Three Cases from Ankara

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL

An Assessment on Housing Design Exercises in Architecture Design Studio at Middle East Technical University,1957-2010 

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL

The Physical Evolution of the Historic City of Ankara between 1839 and 1944: A Morphological Analysis

Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ BİLSEL
2010 M.Arch. P. YURT

Use of Color In Residential Buildings: A Case Study on Facades of Apartment Blocks In Ankara

Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi GÜZER
2010 Ph.D. S. DURAK

Searching For A Common Framework For Education And Architecture Through Reconsideration Of Universal Design Principles For Promoting Inclusive Education In Primary Schools

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2010 Ph.D. M. ÖZTEN

Problem Structuring With User In Mind: User Concept In The Architectural Design Studio

Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ
2010 M.Arch.   N. AYŞE

Becoming A Neo-Liberal City: Ankara North Entrance Urban Transformation Project

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN
2010 M.Arch.   E. EROL

Urban Transportation: Sections At Minus

Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SARGIN











Prof. Dr. İnci BASA